Advanced Flooring Systems (AFS) surface preparation division help renovate St Patrick’s chapel in Oram Co Monaghan.
Built in 1820, St Patrick’s chapel is an important building and historical landmark in the village of in Oram Co Monaghan.
The parish community of Muckno are upgrading the chapel and required a surface preparation expert who could help remove contamination and old paint coatings on the weathered outside walls. With a specialised surface preparation division, the parish turned to AFS.
AFS used their in-house surface preparation division to open shot blast the outside walls, removing all previous paint coatings and cleaning the concrete exterior from other contaminants. With the age of the building and surrounding graveyard, extreme care was needed for this project.
Open shot blasting was deployed by AFS as it is beneficial for open environments – minimising dust and debris – while also protecting sensitive areas from damage which other preparation equipment eg grinders may cause.
Now with the outside walls successfully prepared, new protective paint coatings can be applied to help complete the upgrade for St Patricks.
Further Information
If you would like to find out more about this project or if we can help you with your next project please contact us.
St Patrick's Chapel
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