Hot Compressed Air Systems
Our specialist and in-house surface preparation division utilises the very latest hot compressed air system equipment on projects across the UK and Ireland.
Hot air compressed systems are used by our specialised surface preparation division.
What are Hot Compressed Air Systems?
We uses hot compressed air systems on surface preparation in projects across the UK and Ireland. Hot compressed air systems useful in areas that are badly contaminated with oil and grease.
For many industrial and commercial flooring projects, hot compressed air systems and professional surface preparation are vital to ensure project success. For this reason, it is important to utilise a specialist contractor who is able to ensure your floor is prepared correctly.
Why AFS?
We provide the complete surface preparation service across the UK and Ireland. As a specialist flooring contractor, we understand the importance of professional surface preparation and so we utilise our own in-house surface preparation division with access to all the latest preparation equipment on all our projects.
We realise that some clients and projects only require surface preparation, so our specialised hot compressed air system surface preparation service is available for hire on projects right across Ireland and the UK.
If you have a surface preparation requirement for projects in Dublin, to Cork to Belfast, London or Glasgow, our hot compressed air system service is available to help your next project.
Hire AFS’ Hot Compressed Air System
If you require to hire a specialist hot compressed air system contact us today.
Contact us
Tel: +44 (0) 28 3751 8789
Mobile: +44 (0) 7709 349048